IPS Empress

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All-Porcelain Restorations
Inspired by Nature...

IPS Empress is an all-ceramic crown system that gives you exceptional esthetics plus strength

A proven ceramic alternative to metallic restorations, IPS Empress offers patient satisfaction with aesthetic, natural looking restorations, by the exclusive use of ceramic materials.

The utilization of bonded ceramic restorative materials is intended to reestablish function, shape, contour, color (hue, value and chroma), natural light transmission and strength of natural dentition.

Individually colored tooth restorations can be reproduced in exact shape and shade. The result is an individually fabricated restoration with an excellent fit and all the characteristics of a natural tooth. Even when working in limited space, optimum aesthetic results can be obtained.

The Empress system produces crowns, inlays/onlays and veneers, providing one of the strongest all-ceramic restorations available. The restoration is modeled in wax and invested in a specially formulated investment. The system's furnace then allows the restoration to be pressed in leucite reinforced ceramic porcelain. After removal, the object is finished to the required aesthetic and anatomical specifications, using staining and layering techniques.

As for every all-ceramic system, the presence of a metallic post and core is not advisable, because of the shadow effect or the grayness of the substructure that inevitably results after cementation. This can be overcome by having the post and core fabricated in a ceramic metal, and a ceramic opaque fired to it. This is a two-step procedure with very pleasing results.

In the case of several single crowns or laminates, the same color is strongly recommended for all preparations (i.e., all substrates). To enhance the mechanical properties of this glass ceramic, the prosthetic restoration must be luted with an adhesive technique, using the latest generation dental adhesive. The composite cement must be chosen carefully to maintain the aesthetic properties of the all-ceramic restorations.

Principle: The highly innovative processing technology for all-ceramic offered by IPS Empress is creating new potential for producing natural looking restorations. A. Wohlwend at the University of Zurich further developed the idea of moulding heated ceramic to reproduce accurate ceramic copies of wax models.

Method:In the IPS Empress system, the restoration with all its functional specifications is modeled in wax. Once the wax restoration has been invested and burned out, the heated, softened ceramic is pressed in the mould.

Material: The ceramic is based on glass that contains latent nucleating agents. In a process comprising several stages, controlled crystallization is used to produce leucite crystals, measuring a few microns, in the glass matrix. The semi-finished product of leucite-reinforced ceramic powder is pressed into ingots and sintered. These ingots are the basic components from which we press restorations.

The constant high quality of the ceramic ingots ensures the reproduction of the physical values of the restorations.

IPS Empress Advantages...

Outstanding Esthetics...
For perfect integration into the natural environment. 
For restorations to blend with natural teeth.
Excellent Fit...
Due to new thermoplastic processing.
For accurately fitting restorations with optimum marginal seal.
Very Stong Crowns, Veneers, and Inlays/Onlays...
For long-lasting restorations on which patients can rely.
Biocompatible Ceramic Material...
For avoiding gingival trauma.
IPS Empress Ceramic wears almost like tooth enamel.



  • Near optimum esthetics
  • Excellent fit
  • Excellent strength
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